
I am a creative storyteller who serves the chill, quirky, kind, and adventurous people who love each other deeply.

Life is comprised of many emotions and experiences. Therefore, I want to be as authentic as possible and capture the exciting, the mundane, and everything in between. I truly believe there is beauty in that.

I’d love to be welcomed into your story.


of all profits go towards a variety of social justice non-profit organizations that I believe in. I believe that our world is far from equitable, and I hope that the efforts of these organizations can make our world better for everyone.

I’ve lived in Minnesota for almost my whole life. My creative journey began with Lego stop motion films with my cousins when I was young which then transformed into art classes in school. Eventually, I began creating through photography and videography in college. I’ve had the privilege of creating and capturing beautiful moments and telling beautiful stories since 2016.

Ever since I was young, I’ve wanted to be creative.

This is me. (Tyler | he/him)

I’m quirky and love to tell stories through my photos and films. I am a huge introvert, but I love getting to know people and their stories. If you’re familiar with the Enneagram, I am 117% a type NINE.

I love being out in nature and just experiencing the earth. I love relaxing at home with a nice blanket, some tea, watching TV shows or movies, and playing video games with my friends. I’m also OBSESSED with my rescue doggo, Sadie. Feel free to ask about her and ask to see pictures. I think I have about a million photos of her.

I’m not a loud or vocal creative, but inside, I’m probably freaking out about how beautiful a photo or video looks!

Check Alderwood out on Instagram!