Thomson Reuters - Diversity & Inclusion

We had the opportunity to work with Thomson Reuters in telling the story of how they were creating a more diverse and inclusive work environment, as well as highlighting their efforts to help the city of Minneapolis.

Thomson Reuters - Top Golf Happy Hour

We partnered with Thomson Reuters and Top Golf to film and create graphics for a virtual happy hour where we sat down with Nicholas Bisbee to make some signature craft cocktails that are easy to make at home.

Thomson Reuters - Everyday Heroes

We partnered with Thomson Reuters to tell the story of how Polaris is an ‘Everyday Hero’ in their efforts to combat human trafficking.

Thomson Reuters - International Woman’s Day 2021

We partnered with Thomson Reuters to share how they as a corporation are being more inclusive and the measures they are taking to achieve equity.

Thomson Reuters - Books for Africa

We partnered with Thomson Reuters to tell the story of how Thomson Reuters partnered with Books for Africa to help create opportunities for access to justice worldwide.

Thomson Reuters - Confluence 2020

We partnered with Thomson Reuters to edit and create the graphics for this Confluence2020 video.